- your wearing 6 months clothes now but can still squeak into 3 months clothes
- Your wearing size 3 diapers
- No clue what you weigh, we find out in 2 weeks
- You LOVE to eat your fruits and veggies, we haven't found anything you dislike. You hum while waiting for the next bite!
- You have starting growling in the last month and just in the last week you have started hissing...your our little monster!
- Your sleeping from 6:30pm till 5:30am
- You can sit on your own unless you lean to the side to grab something
- You have the sweetest soul!
- Wearing anywhere from 6 months to 12 months clothing
- Size 3 Diapers
- No idea on weight until 7/2
- You are finally really enjoying eating and you have stopped spitting everything all over me, i think peaches are your favorite right now
- Your making so many sounds, the 2 newest sounds are babababa and dadadadad...where is the mamamama come on boy
- You sleep 6:30pm till 5:30am
- Your sitting all on your own now just occasional toppling over
- You can hardly wait until you can move all by yourself, i think your just going to get up and run
We went to HersheyPark last weekend and you wore yourselves out
We also went to the pool and you wore yourselves out, taking two babies to the pool alone is hard but thanks to Heather meeting us their with her kids we made it work!
Happy 6 months to my 2 little miracles, we anxiously await what the next 6 months hold for us( a little sadness from mommy knowing how much your going to grow up these next 6 months)