Thursday, November 18, 2010

11 Months...

So its getting increasingly more difficult to get these pictures, they refuse to sit still. Lauren looks somewhat happy to be 11 months and Colin is just shocked I think or maybe its because he is teething and miserable!

Example of how most of the pictures turned out!

Updates on the kiddos...both are crawling, Lauren still only army crawls but that girl can move! Both are pulling up on everything, especially Lauren. I'm pretty sure she will be the 1st to walk, she is already standing for a few seconds unsupported. Colin has 7 teeth with more on the way, Lauren still has none! They both still love any food we have given them, we just dropped down to 3 bottles a day an no complaints so far. Lauren still only says Dada but I'm pretty sure I've heard her say uh-oh and maybe hi. Colin says Mama, Dada, Hi and shoes(yes he's obsessed with them). Both learned to wave hi/bye and do "so big"! I can hardly believe we have 1 month to go till 1, it seemed like so far away at one point but has snuck up on us sooo fast!


Paula Keller said...

LOVE this post! That 2nd picture is oh so cute! I don't know how anyone ever gets pics of twins without at least one in motion. It's nearly impossible. Last month was our first time getting them both in a good mood. Before that, I'd go to take a pic and someone would have a meltdown.
It's really exciting to see what they can do at 11 months. And then again, it goes by so quickly. It's kind of weird to be both excited and a little sad when they grow.
Thanks also for your advice. :)

The Browers said...

cannot believe it is almost one year. they look like so much fun, and are seriously getting cuter by the month. I hope we can see you all some time over break.

Ashley said...

Go Colin and Lauren Go! They are so precious!

Jamie said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. How crazy is that!! I guess we think alike in our baby names!! I will have to ask for your advice when we get pregnant with baby #2!!!