If you have been wondering where Krisy is, see below. I have also included another update at the bottom of the post as of today, Oct 28th. So for those of you follow my blog (Tressler Twins), scroll down to the bottom to see what's going on now. For those of you who don't...start here:
This first part was written on Friday, Oct 25th
Krisy is in L&D. She went in this morning for a routine 24 week check-up with her high-risk doc and she was having contractions. They sent her to the hospital to got hooked up on the monitors and the babies are doing great. Her blood pressure is good and they started her on Terbutaline to stop the contractions. She had two doses, was given another drug, and some IV fluids and the contractions considerably decreased. They also decided to give her a dose of steroids (just in case) for the babies (it will help increase the maturity and function of immature fetal lungs). She has been admitted so she's staying the night and she needs get another dose of steroids within a 24 hour period.
To top it off, her shower is tomorrow! She sounds like she's keeping positive but I know she's terrified. AND totally bummed that she might miss her baby shower! Please send prayers and positive thoughts for her and those babies! Krisy is 24 weeks and it's just a little too early for them to arrive! I'll keep you posted (I really hope she doesn't mind that I posted this but I thought that she needed the support!).
Krisy will be staying overnight and was just started on Mag Sulfate. Not a pretty drug. Actually it's pretty nasty (I was on this for 24 hours when I delivered the twins). Basically it means she'll be on it for 24 hours and will not be able to attend her shower. Luke will attend and open a few gifts but we'll have to celebrate her and those babies when she gets out!!! Keep sending those prayers for healthy babies!!!!!
***Oct 28th UPDATE
Krisy spent the weekend on the L& D floor of the hospital. She was on Mag Sulfate until yesterday (and man was she loopy!). The babies were on the monitors the whole time and doing great! Her blood pressure is normal (I saw her get it checked today, so I know it's true!). She was moved to the maternity floor this afternoon as she hasn't had any contractions for 24 hours. She reports that she has an "irritable uterus." Therefore the girl is on bedrest. She's allowed to get up to use the bathroom but that's about it. She's seriously bored. If you know her, forcing her do NOTHING is TORTURE! When I saw her this afternoon, she still hadn't seen the doctor so there is no news on discharge but I promise to update as soon as I get more info! Please continue to keep her and those babies in your prayers.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
22 Weeks...
How Far Along? 22weeks
Total Weight Gained/Loss? +17-18lbs
Maternity Clothes: for sure
Sleep? not to bad except for the constant backaches
Best Moment of the Week? knowing that my cervix is still holding strong and seeing the babies again.
Movement- some days more than others, I love to watch my stomach jiggle some nights!
Food Craving- nothing specific just love to eat!!
Food aversions- nope
Morning sickness?-Nope
Gender- Still one of each!
Labor Signs- not yet
Belly Button- getting flatter, my lap scar is now on the outside!
What I miss- not having heartburn
What I'm looking forward to- Our 24week growth scan can't wait to see more 3D pics
Weekly Wisdom- hmm I've got nothing this morning
Milestones- Getting closer and closer to vitality!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
20weeks, a little late...
How Far Along? 20 weeks
Total Weight Gained/Loss? +14lbs
Maternity Clothes: definitely
Sleep? Sometimes good, sometimes awful
Best Moment of the Week? Finding out the genders and knowing that both babies look healthy.
Movement- Feeling them everyday now a couple times a day. Usually around 7pm there is a party in my uterus.
Food Craving- nothing i can think of, just food in general.
Food aversions- Tomato's
Morning sickness?-Nope
Gender- Boy and a Girl!!!
Labor Signs- no but terrified of it happening.
Belly Button- still and innie
What I miss- breathing easy and not getting winded by walking to far.
What I'm looking forward to- stronger kicks and our next growth scan.
Weekly Wisdom- carry heartburn meds in your purse!!
Milestones- Having 2 healthy babies with no signs of any problems!
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