Thursday, October 15, 2009

She's Back

In the hospital that is. Guest Blogger, Aunt Sweetie here. Krisy went in today for a check-up, and as she predicted, she is moving herself back into a room at the hospital. The doctor said that her uterus is "irritable" and the medicine isn't working anymore. Luckily though, she's not contracting! The doctor did check and said she is "about 1 cm" but anyone out there who has had a kid knows, that doesn't mean much.

She thinks she's in there for the long-run. It's definitely good that she's being monitored but it's still hard not to be in your own house. Think happy, healthy baby thoughts and send them her way!!!! I'll post more when I hear more!!!!

Oh, and p.s. Have you seen those maternity shots??!!! GREAT JOB, AMY!!!!!! Wow, Krisy is one HOT MAMA!!!


Teach Me. Lead Me. Inspire Me. said...

Thanks, H. :) Tell Krisy I am thinking about her. Keep me updated!

emilythehopeless said...

keeping you in my thoughts {HUGS}

Kami said...

Thinking of you honey!!! You are doing great!! You are in the best place right now. Think positive!


Ashley said...

Oh honey! Thinking of you and sending prayers your way;) Anything to keep those babies safe!!

The Witcoski's said...

Thinking of you, Krisy! Thanks for the update, H. We'll be praying here on our end!

The Browers said...

thanks for the update. krisy, this will all be worth it!

Busy Beaver's said...

Sending prayers your way, Krisy.

And ARE one hot Mama!!!!