Here I am meeting the babies for the first time, i was shaking so much i could barely hold them. It took a couple shots of pain meds in my IV to get me to stop shaking and calm down. I was not expecting the pain i felt after the spinal wore off, I was bleeding a lot and they had to push on my belly really hard to get my uterus to contract. Not fun but I feel much better now.
Colin are such a sleepy lazy baby during the day but at night you like to party. Your the only one who has let out some big screams to let us know you need us. You make the funniest faces that we call "milk drunk look". You hate being swaddled and you are so strong you bust out of your blankets, you don't know what to do with you hand and you constantly claw at your face. You hate your baths and getting your diaper changed you only make it hard on yourself because somehow you always pee out of you diaper and soak you clothes. You have managed to pee on both of us and all over you face too. Your favorite things right now are eating and sleeping in your bouncy seat. At your last check up all was well and you weighed 5lbs13oz. We love you so much even though you are such a handful!
Lauren are such a sweetheart and are so low maintenance. You are constantly smiling at us and you are so alert during the day. You love to just look all around and you especially love laying on Daddy's chest. I have never met a little girl who poos so much, I think you must take after Daddy. You think its so funny to wait for us to change you and then poop 2 mins later. You sleep very well at night and barely fuss at all I'm sure you would sleep hours longer at night if we didn't have to wake you up to feed you. You also love your bouncy seat and eating, I'm not sure there is to much you dislike right now, maybe getting your bath. At your last checkup all was great and you weighed 4lbs11oz. We love you very much our little stink!