Friday, March 14, 2008

Tests and more tests

Well here is the update on whats to come for me. I was just given my RX for my provera so i can't get my period, i will be having whats called and HSG done probably in about 2 weeks. It all depends on the timing of my period. An HSG is a test where dye is injected in me somewhere, i'm thinking my fallopian tubes, we are doing this to make sure my tubes are working correctly before i start the injectables. Then on 4/14 i will be having my polyp surgery, thankfully i'll be put to sleep for this. They tell me its like a D&C, well i never had one but i guess its not suppose to be to bad. After a couple weeks of healing i am allowed to start the injectables. I hate the waiting game, i wanted to start now, i know its only going to put me back about 2 months but when you want a baby bad, 2months is forever!
Once i'm on the injectables(Gonal-F is what its called) i will be giving myself daily injections in my belly. I will also be monitored with ultrasounds every other day and sometimes everyday(thank god for medical ins.). Well, thats all for now, have a good friday!


The Browers said...

Hang in there. The wait must be torture at this point... we're praying for you both.

The Witcoski's said...

Hey Krisy -
Just wanted to say hi and that you two are in my prayers. Keep your spirits up and your mind's the best advice I have for you. I know, easier said than done! But it will make a world of difference to your body!
Good luck!

Krisy said...

thanks guys...its really comforting to know i have all this support!