Ahhh I finally made it to the 4th month! We had an appointment Wednesday with the mid-wife at our OB's office, we really liked her, she was great. Despite all my begging for an u/s she said no! We did get to hear both heartbeats on the doppler, she found them much easier than I had been finding them. I was never sure if I was getting two different beats or not. When she first walked in I started warning her what an infertile freak I am about these babies and how I was scared that one of the babies had died. She took one look at my stomach and said"umm no way, there is two in there." My belly actually measured 20weeks instead of 15w5d which i really was. I now have a 4 week wait until the much anticipated gender scan!!! OK onto the stats:
How Far Along? 16 weeks
Total Weight Gained/Loss? 4lbs
Maternity Clothes: definitely
Sleep? Not so great lately, not sure why.
Best Moment of the Week? Knowing for sure there are still 2 babies in there.
Movement- I think I have felt some fluttering here and there, very exciting!
Food Craving- nothing really specific, I have been on a grasshopper cookie kick(those are like thin mints)
Food aversions- Meat is still not that appealing.
Morning sickness?-Nope, thank god!
Gender- still waiting...Aug 28th
Labor Signs- god no!
Belly Button- still an innie but looks a lot more shallow
What I miss- sandwiches and wine
What I'm looking forward to- finding out the genders and more definitive movement.
Weekly Wisdom-sorry my brain is mush, i don't' have any.
Milestones- Making it to the 4th months, almost half way there!