Friday, July 10, 2009

13 Weeks...

Today was my 1st normal pregnant girl OB appt. I felt weird being there, i still feel like i don't belong. Everything went very well though, I really loved my new Dr. He answered all my questions like its totally normal that i still haven't gained any weight. I will start seeing a high risk OB around 20weeks. I ask him when my next u/s would be and he said 20weeks...i think my mouth dropped open, how can you make an infertile girl wait that long. I've had one every week since I was pregnant and now I have to wait 7weeks. Well I go back in 3 weeks for a check up and doppler check and I plan to beg for an u/s.

Anyway both babies are doing great and measuring right on target with HR's in the 150's. They were moving like crazy and even sucking their thumbs. I actually had an external u/s instead of an internal which made getting Baby B to pose for a picture much easier.

Here is the only good shot we got of A, it was moving so much we couldn't get a good one.
B was much more cooperative and gave us a beautiful side profile.

On another note and I hope I didn't jinx myself, we bought some baby furniture. Since we spend an insane amount of money to get these babies we turned to craigslist to try to find some gentle used furniture. We found a beautiful set super close to our house and it turns out it was the brother of one of my favorite blogger friends The Brower Bunch.
We were so happy to know our babies will use furniture from such a nice family. I'll post picture at a later date when we get it all set up.


emilythehopeless said...

ohmygod 7 weeks!! that's just MEAN!
they look absolutely beautiful! :)

{The Tresslers} said...

You are a very lucky mama to get to see those babies that often! Trust me...there are plenty more u/s's in your future!! I'm so glad you were able to come over and play today!! I was very jealous of your my kiddos chose NOT to do that. Ugh!! Enjoy the rest when you can get it!!

The Witcoski's said...

They look great! And even though you're nervous about it, remember being at "normal" dr is a good thing! That means all is going well!
Congrats on the furniture find!

Paxton said...

Hi there I don't know if I have ever commented before but i follow your blog regularly and just wanted to say congrats on your gorgeous twins. What a joy!

Ashley said...

I'm so glad your appointment went well! The babies are growing so fast;) The are sooo cute!! Also, congrats on the 2nd trimester!!! That's a wonderful IF milestone that you're about to reach!!

The Browers said...

that is too funny! so glad you are doing well. and i am sure my neice/nephew's sweetness has rubbed off!