Saturday, August 29, 2009

Meet the babies...

Lets see, where do I begin...well as you all know I was scared shit less going to this u/s. I literally could have crapped my pants with nerves/excitement. We couldn't have asked for a better outcome. It all started with me meeting up with an old friend, the "dildo cam". It had been awhile but is was just like and old friend its like we were never apart. They checked my cervix to make sure it was holding long and strong and I'm happy to report with her exact comments, "its like steel" She even pressed really hard on my belly for a min and measured it again to make sure it stayed put. After that we got onto the good stuff. Baby A was first and he is laying closest to my cervix and is laying across my belly. All measurements were perfect for him and his heart was pumping beautifully. He weighed in at 13oz's. Of course he was moving like crazy the entire time and the u/s tech decided he was going to be full of drama because his little hand kept resting up again his forehead. Unfortunately we couldn't get any good 3D shots of his because his kept putting his head down to his knees. Here is the best profile shot of our little man!

This pics a little naughty but he is definitely all boy! Look close and you can see the cursor pointing his boy parts out.
So onto Baby B who much to our shock was a little girl, we never expected one of each we were just so sure they would be same sex. She didn't move as much and all her parts measured perfect as well. She weighted in at 11oz's. She is laying across the top of my belly and would be the little culprit that keeps me from breathing well. However she is already being picked on by her brother, the entire time she was repeatedly getting kicked in her face by him. At one point she even put her little hands up to protect her face. We got that shot on the DVD they gave us and every time we go we bring the DVD back and they add to it, I love this place! Here is our sweet little girl getting kicked in the face!

Here she is all snuggled up, i can't wait to see the changes in 4weeks!

So of course knowing the sexes now, I couldn't' resist a trip to the local Carters outlet and found these and they were buy one get one! I can sense that this is going to become a habit, its so hard not to spend all my money on clothes!

I'll be back on in a few days to update with a 20week belly shot and the rest of the 20week stats!!


Ashley said...

They are gorgeous!!! I'm so excited for you;)

{The Tresslers} said...

Love the 3D u/s and can't wait to the see the video!!

Let the shopping begin!!!!!!!!! Way tooooooo hard to resist all that cuteness!!

The Witcoski's said...

So exciting! They are adorable! Can't wait to meet them in person! Yes...allow yourself to buy those sale items!

Nana said...

WOW - how awesome! Incredible pictures. I'm sure 'she' will get even eventually for all that kicking :-)!

Kami said...

Yay!!! One of each you lucky girl!!! Congrats mommy, they are beautiful!!!
